Friday, 10 December 2010

Spoilers Blogoversary: A year in Reviews

One year of Spoilers

So, one year ago I started posting reviews here at Spoilers and Nuts - with the review of one of my favourite book of all times: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I've read and re-read this book countless times, and simply love it. That makes today the 1 year Spoilers Blogoversary.

...well, kind of. It is the blogoversary, but that review was written on October 2009 and posted on LibraryThing. It took me about one month and a half to remember I had a blog that was supposed to be updating.

And that's the kind of blogger I am. I am usually a shy person (except on some weird days that I'm able strike interesting conversations with random strangers and generally make my options known to everyone), and internet-wise, I'm a lurker. I rarely comment (sorry folks) unless I feel like what I have to say is really important. And when I receive a comment I get all giddy because someone took the time to read what I wrote AND to comment on it. So:

Thank you all! For reading and commenting! You're the best!

It's nice to feel that someone reads what you write.

This year I challenged myself to read 75 books. So far I've read 68, which a pretty good, even if it seems I might not make it to the 75 mark. Never mind that, what is important is that I've read a lot good books (and some not so good), and I had a lot of fun doing so. Also, one of the reasons I set this challenge was so that I could ermmm... force myself to write reviews. Because I'm extremely lazy when it comes to writing, even thought I love to do it. And I've been a bit lazy lately, I have 4 books yet to review! But all in all, I consider that part of challenge completed!

And, what about next year? I'm not making any plans yet for next year because it's all a big question mark to me. I'll explain.

I've been accepted into an international internship programme that is going to start on the 15th. And that's about all I know about it. They have asked me to be available from the 15th onward, and to go to Lisbon on that day for a 3 day course. I've yet to know what I'll be doing and where in the world I'm going to be next year, and that includes knowing if I'll have time to read (gasp!!) or if I'll have internet so that I can update Spoilers and Nuts.

I'll probably know more on the 17th. Until then, I have my fingers crossed for a place where I can get a lot of books :D

And this is the majority of my books :)
Finally, the Blogoversary giveaway ends today. You have until midnight (GMT) today to enter. That means about 7 hours.

I have been reading the recommendations the participants have made, and I'm liking them. Very good recommendations in there.


  1. AhAh! we both posted something in the last 2 days that required the image of balloons being launched into the sky, and for different reasons! xD what are the odds?! love the pics, although it makes me a bit nervous to see the books all piled up in the bed! xD and happy b-day S&N!

  2. Congratulations! My blogversary will be soon too, but I haven't read as many books as you. :)
